This file defines the columns of data in the poseandtwist.log files produced by the GRID software receiver. Each poseandtwist.log file contains time-stamped precise relative pose solutions. ORT time stamps indicate the time at which the position solution applies. See channel.txt for a definition of ORT. ============================================================================= Column Quantity 1 ----------- ORT week number. 2 ----------- ORT whole seconds of week. 3 ----------- ORT fractional second. 4,5,6 ------- X,Y,Z position rW of the platform reference point (e.g., primary GNSS antenna's L1 phase center), in the W (ENU) frame in meters relative to reference antenna location. 7,8,9,10 ---- Quaternion qBW relating the body and local ENU frames. Let qBW = [x,y,z,w] be the quaternion composed of these four elements in the order given. Then vB = RBW*vW relates the expressions of the physical vector v in the world (W) and body (B) frames, where RBW is the direction cosine matrix corresponding to qBW. 11,12,13 ---- X,Y,Z velocity vW: the time rate of change of rW, in meters per second. 14,15,16 ---- X,Y,Z angular rate wB: angular rate of B relative to W, expressed in B in radians per second. 17,18,19 ---- X,Y,Z accelerometer bias baU expressed in the U (IMU) frame in meters/second^2. 20,21,22 ---- X,Y,Z rate gyro bias bgU expressed in U in rad/second. 23-40 ------- Diagonal elements of the error covariance matrix corresponding to the state vector [rW;e;vW,wB,baU,bgU], where e is the 3-by-1 error state vector corresponding to the quaternion qBW. =============================================================================